Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Lizard Crossing

I have TWO Star Trek milestones to announce! 1) I finally found the episode with this infamous lizard! Excellent episode! 2) I FINALLY MET KHAN AND I WAS NOT SO IMPRESSED...guess I just have to watch Star Trek 2. That or not love Benedict Cummerbatch so much, one of the two.

Now for Animal Crossing updates.

 Here I am wearing a new item I got, Majora's Mask! Can you guess how I feel about it?

I've also been meeting a lot of new peeps lately via the island wi-fi and, lemme tell you, it's fun! I don't get pics of everyone but here are a few.

 Random person

New Friend Joey? Jordan? Big J? idk...I visited his town and it was great fun :D

And a brief encounter with a power ranger. Blue one if you're curious

Then I got this pic from a dream town I went to! So cute! I try to go to one a day.

 Below you can see a haircut I got! I've gotten so many Shampoodle has begun to offer me boy's haircuts. I went La Rou for the day and did a red-non-mowhawk-punk style. I have never been brave enough to do this irl and never will be...but I've always wanted to haha.

 Another town project down and out! Above you can see I'm sitting on a new one too. It was such a cute encounter with one of my townspeople!!! :D Kawaii!

Lastly, I work at the coffee shop every once in awhile and it fills me with such a moral dilemma!!! I don't drink coffee (being an avid follower of my religion) and yet I only play this mini-game to get coffee items (the gyroids in particular( and I have to serve people coffee to get them! My character also drinks coffee! Oh the dilemma!!!

It is a small comfort I'll stop once I get the gyroids but man :( I'll just pretend my character is serving hot cocoa I suppose haha. Maybe I should rename the cafe "A River in Egypt!"

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