Thursday, July 18, 2013

Animal Crossing

 Most people don't share my passion for this game amidst my immediate acquaintances. Albeit, gameboys are considered kid stuff and my friends are adults, it's to be expected. At least in the gaming community it's obviously more common. Man, maybe I need more gamer friends haha.

But I'mma take the opportunity to make posts about video games I play and this is the one I currently vies for #1 played with me (SWTOR being first haha).
Here's a cool thing I recently got in my town. It's a cardboard cutout for your character and you can make it whatever you want. I found a cool design online for a Cheshire Cat picture which I shall put up one day (my char name is Cheshire) but for now I love dinosaurs more haha.
 I also got a coffee shop in my town. Had to google how to get it, is my main source of info and is good at it :) But having this in my town creates a large moral dilemma for me ahha. Mormon's don't drink coffee! And I can only unlock things if my little character drinks coffee! AHHH!!! I am at least comforted by the fact that the Animal Crossing world does not really introduce Mormons to the game. I really hope that now I've said that two little animal characters in missionary outfits come to my door ahha. (I suppose I could just make a missionary designed shirt lol)
 Saved Gulliver today whoot! The country I had to guess was Canada haha, I mean, what souvenir will he send me from there? Maple syrup? A moose? I'm excited to find out haha.

 Oh yeah, my town has a fire hydrant. Watch out fires!

Me and the townsfolk played Hide and Seek today. SO ADORABLE. They hid behind each of their houses so it was super easy haha.

 Full moon after the HUGE storm today. Loup Garou!!!

 Lastly I got a piece of furniture from Pascal. He is by far my favorite character <3

I do have some concerns right now. Why has Gracie never visited my town? I'm never going to get the next Nook's store without her :< Well, only time will tell I suppose.

Tomorrow I get an extra room on my house. It will either be a room full of classic Animal Crossing fruit furniture or a library, haven't decided yet haha.

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