Thursday, July 25, 2013

Another Day, more thoughts than actions.

Oliver Twist is one of the most depressing books I've ever read.
And Wormtail is in one of the renditions! Up to his ol' snively shenanigans again! But I mean, Dickens is a master, everyone acknowledges, and his writing compels me to read on! Not that I put down every depressing book I read but from what I've read from Dickens before, he usually has the good weigh out the bad evenly in his stories. I guess I'll just have to wait til the end.

Other book updates, are you a fan of Sanderson? (that's got a nice ring haha) Anyways he has some updates and I was geeking out about them today. If you haven't YOU SHOULD READ EVERYTHING HE WRITES.

Not much else. Something of note this week is the amount everyone keeps finding out I'm Mormon. It's bad of me I know but I try to let people get to know me first before they find out that a big part of me is Mormon. That's right, I trick them into friendship with me haha.

Anyways, the usual response is "Isn't that the religion where the guys can have multiple wives?" and I reply stately as always "No, we don't practice that anymore." But I actually had a very personal spiritual experience in this regard awhile back. To cut a long experience short, when I was younger, a Brother D. Martino offhandedly and condescendingly said  (not a good combination when talking to a young me)(and I paraphrase), "You know, if God allowed us and others of His religion to practice polygamy, don't you think he does too? I mean, He wouldn't let us do anything He doesn't do Himself, right?"
I did not respond and made an excuse to leave, if you were wondering at my response.
Note: There is no scripture or talk supporting this but is mere conjecture. At least not that I've found and trust me, I've looked and still am.
But I would encourage my fellow man to ponder and pray on this. Polygamy is a touchy subject. I mean, we don't even know that much about Heavenly Mother and only know she exists because of Eliza R. Snow really.
But I have prayed about this and have received an answer (and more questions) to that idea of God practicing polygamy and the practice of it ourselves. And I would encourage you to seek one also.

Besides, if we still practiced polygamy I'd make a good first, second, even third wife and then I could go work and have a career and the other wife(s) could raise all the kids. Cause that's fair :) Bahahahahaha

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