Friday, July 19, 2013

Truman: The early bird gathers no moss! The rolling stone catches the worm!

Today I outran the rain.
It was the weirdest sensation. I was getting back from workout time and it started drizzling. When is started raining I began running. I ran til it drizzled again. This proceeded to occur three more times until I got back home and it was most amusing since it began to POUR five minutes later haha.

At my cafeteria (which I did walk in the rain to haha but it's only a block away if that) every single table you eat at is a sports table. Today I finally found my team! :D

Today was a video game day otherwise. Glorious lazy day. Too bad slothfulness is a sin.
However I was looking up outfits for my little animal crossing character and realize, I really need to learn japanese sometimes. QUERY: If the website is in Japanese...why is the url I use in English?
THOUGHT: Maybe I just need to learn enough Japanese to read "English version of this website link"

Look at a room in my house in Animal Crossing! BUT! More importantly! Look at the dress I'm wearing!

Looking at all of the cute outfits inspired me to make the following.

These are QR codes so I can share them with other peoples who want to wear it too :)
And did I take meticulous time making this whilst looking at multiple pictures of Luke and Yoda? Why yes I did.

Lastly I watch stuff whilst playing some games. Games at times (like mini games in Animal Crossing) just aren't that challenging, so I multitask. As mentioned aforehand, my muse atm is Star Trek and something amazing happened today. I have seen this dog...
...on various things related to Star Trek and I had ALWAYS wondered why in the world it was on an episode and, needless to say, when I found it in one of today's episodes (Season 1 episode 5), it made me laugh. Also, look at William Shatner and George Takei's face. Priceless.

Also this is my new phone lock screen. It makes me happy.

Lastly, remember 'The Truman Show'? Well I just watched it last week on Netflix and, let me tell you, when someone said "good afternoon, good evening, and good night" to me today, I was delighted :) And so I say it to you.

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