Thursday, July 18, 2013

First Post!

So, this isn't my first blog experience. However this one is to be more of a journal, reminiscent of my days and adventures. And copious bragging about the latter. I could have continued with my other blogs I suppose but like myspace users finally got tired and went over to facebook, I thought I'd start another. :)

So something I was thinking of at work today, this week I let people in and out of the building for work. Very exciting, I know, and has nothing to do with my mechanics job, but I get off at 1pm so I can't really complain!

I've noted as people come in, they sigh. This naturally led me to remember my travels in Venice Italy. There is the famous sight there the Bridge of Sighs. To make a tall tale short, prisoners would be condemned to life in prison and taken from the palace over this bridge and into the prison there. The guards noted as I did at work that the people would sigh as they take their last glimpse of the sun. Depressing right? Haha. Well at least work is no life in prison, that I can attest to. If only everyone were so optimistic I guess.

GOAL: Being more grateful for whats I gots.

Here's a link/picture that (hopefully) shows you what it looks like

This is how it looked when I went hahahaha.

Here I am inside sighing my little heart out. Well worth it if you get the chance.

Some things you can look forward to in this blog is Star Trek references seeing as I just started the series.
Maybe some song quotes of mostly Motown. Definitely I will try to get some pictures up of my upcoming SCUBA endeavors. And lots of video game posts :D

EXCLAMATION: The last 3 people I have asked "Do you know Gershwin?"  Have responded in the negative!!!! THIS IS A SCARY WORLD TO ME.

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