Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I wear sunglasses indoors

Once upon a time, I was rummaging through my mother's purse. I found some sunglasses with mary jane logo's on the side and, finding this most amusing, decided I would take these back with me to my conservative college to get some reactions most amusing.

However, I put a status update about them and low and behold my dad comes to me with these sunglasses.
Green and Oakleys, I was smitten. But I rarely wear them! However today I got to wear them to work all day cause I had an eye exam where they dilated my pupils. It was most uncomfortable. But great because now I know none of my bosses will be bothered by me wearing these sunglasses to work! The doctor told me I would have trouble reading for about 4 hrs...I didn't. Or at least I told myself I didn't. I just like reading okay?
ASIDE: I want glasses like these bahaha

I hope you enjoyed my mundane post about glasses. I know I did.It was...visionary...

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