Sunday, July 21, 2013

Le weekend

I swam with the fishies

Why yes I did! Ichetucknee springs is where I went and it was gorgeous. I saw these fishes and swam with schools anywhere from 5-70 in the river cause I brought my mask and snorkle from diving class. I also saw a 20lb catfish and some little green fishies. Then I'd pop up out of no where and scare the living daylights out of other tubers hehehe. 

Man, I have made fun of Florida most of my life, and still do, but it never ceases to show me just how beautiful it is.

For Example
 Got to swim in these springs here as well as tubing down the river. Amazing! Of course I was risk averse and didn't bring my own camera. Lucky you Google is obliging with some pictures.

Then today was church. I was moved by the music and we talked about Pioneers and John Taylor. But the scripture came to mind from Mosiah chapter 12 where Noah's posse doesn't see themselves as hypocrites cause they live a distorted Moses' Law and Abinadi is like; no, no, you are wrong. Anyways it just reminded me why we go to church on Sundays, every week, for three hours. Because sometimes we are like those 'priests'. We can't see how backwards we are or how we have done something wrong and by going to church it corrects us, if we listen. I mean honestly, the least we can do for God is devote a measly 3 hours in 1 week to studying more of his Gospel right? I've missed going to church, it's been 5 weeks since I've been to a Sacrament meeting and I've felt it.

I also naturally have some poor quality pictures of doodles I doodled.
 This is a Final Fantasy 14 character (A Miqo'te) I made for the beta and will make again when it comes out (2 weeks!!!) and I'm super excited for it. Though I am probably going to make my main character one of these cause no one makes female ones of them and I feel bad for them and must therefore make one :) I didn't play the original ffxiv cause I heard it was wanting, but I can attest that this one makes up for it in leaps and bounds. It has it shortcomings, i.e. I want it to play like SWTOR but it doesn't, but I love it. Its class system is utterly unique and wonderful and the world and characters are gorgeous. I HIGHLY recommend it!!!
 This here is a character from a book I'm writing. I have a lot of time to think while I'm standing there  on watch so I come up with stories and this is the one I'm currently working on. It's still in the works tho sooooo....I'm not going to really say anything else on it.

 Besides that church was pretty regular. The sunday school teacher looked like Jim from the office and I had trouble not thinking about the office and making Jim faces haha. But all in all it was good. The RS teacher actually gave the best lesson, one she had prepared only 5 minutes before and, I find, those are always the best ones.

 Then something great happened! Bro Draper gave me the Pimsleur method to borrow to go over my Arabic! I hope it helps hone what skills I already have, tho they be little, and I'm looking forward to it :)

Lastly some Animal Crossing.

 This building is ridiculous and therefore I had to have it in my town. Enough said.

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