Friday, August 30, 2013

Bendy Straws.

 Here's my pic of the tree of life! Got to go there! It was great fun. It really is the only remarkable foliage as far as the eye can see. Amazing! There were some guys there that we were afraid were going to ask if they wanted to wash our car (Guys are always doing that in Bahrain and its unnerving at first) At least they aren't like American bums, they actually do something in return for some monetary help. Anyways, if you ever get the chance I recommend you make it a picnic day cause otherwise you get there and there's not much else to do but stare at it. Then you can sit there and eat you're food while the two Arabs sit off in their plastic chairs and awkwardly make sure you don't steal any rocks. I want to go back and sketch some of it one day. One day...
 This is a throwback to when I went diving at Manatee Springs. Floods are Cah-razy!
 Here are some trees we got to walk thru that I love. Also love Sis Draper ^^They are one of my favorite trees and I  loved it!
We also went diving in this too. That's a nice layer of throwable foliage that was great fun to dive in. No alligators to be found tho :)

As to Bahrain the most exciting thing that has happened (since all I've really been doing is paperwork) is that a Skyscraper caught fire. Don't know why and I of course hope everyone got out alright, but it was cool to witness. Even the crane caught on fire.

Notable: The skyline in Bahrain often has more cranes than buildings haha. They are always building, which is good for the economy one can suppose.

Went to an American restaurant today TGI Fridays and, let me tell you, American restaurants are different abroad haha. This on all the waiters wore ridiculous hats (a pokemon hat, gaudy jester hats, an angry birds hat) and vests covered in buttons. I've never seen that before so yeah. I am determined to get McDonald's delivered to me in the near future. It's shocking they don't have it in America amiright!

Also all the straws are bendy straws. Who knows why but this is something I can get used to.

There's merchants and peddlers aplenty. While they continue to bug others, they only heckle me once, I respond in Arabic, and I keep walking and hear no more from them. I can only assume I shock them that I know Arabic and it amuses me greatly.

That's about it right now. I'll try to get more pictures but I keep forgetting to take my ipod with me to take them haha. Til next time!

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