Thursday, August 15, 2013

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

It is one of the most singular experiences in this day and age to inform someone, particularly a someone in the military, that I do not have pre-marital sex. It is probably one of the most rewarding faces they make in the whole world.

Also don't play the game "Name the book based on the famous first line" with people who don't read as much as you. It just makes you realize you read probably too much. That or memorize the first sentences in books too often.

I found myself defending/explaining my commitment to not watching rated R films about 4 times in the past 3 days. I hope it seems at least reasonable. Faith isn't always reason, but faith is a reason. All the same it also brought to question the fact that I read rated R books but not the movies? I mean I just read Lone Survivor and that would def be rated R if they portrayed it right...but I mean any movie could be rated R if you portrayed it right. OR YOU COULD BE LIKE INDIANA JONES AND JUST PORTRAY MOVIES BETTER SO I COULD SEE COOL MOVIES LIKE DJANGO WITHOUT IT BEING RATED R. But then some of the material is worthy of being rated R; Saving Private Ryan, The King's Speech, Schindler's List. I have a list of rated R movies I would watch, that I want to. Oh well. Life is rated R if not worse and I'm just going to show this vote of faith and believe the prophet knows what he's talking about. And I think intense books are different cause you just don't have to imagine what you don't feel like imagining I guess...

I gave a few verbal lashings lately. It's impressive when I'm that articulate. One was about a guy messing with my very hard to make bun. I'm starting to grow my hair out and I have to wear it a certain way for work and this guy was messing up my hair! It takes forever! So I gave him the what for! Honestly!

I've had to say 'To each his own' a lot too. I really do love my life and I love my friends here and all the friends I've left behind. But today I was talking with two guys who were bragging that they each had committed adultery by literally banging some guys wife and I was awestruck. Awestuck that I was the sole owner of the opinion that this was not something to be bragged about. And I no no I am not judging the people whose opinions differ than mine. I sincerely believe to each his own but I was's sometimes hard not being validated in the opinions you hold so dear such as fidelity and honor. So many people believe they doesn't exist anymore and I just feel like I silently hold my hand up in the corner saying yes they do! Yes they do.

So I guess this is an update on philosophical life rather than what I've really been up to. Not much I tell you what! FFXIV COME OUT TOMORROW THO SO I'MMA BE PLAYING THAT.

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