Friday, August 30, 2013

Final Fantasy Pictures

 Yay some FFXIV pictures! This first one features a dungeon with a cool seal that we have to find a magical key to. Way pretty. Gotta appreciate programmers!
 Here I am with one of my online friends. We are the same race. I'm taller :D
 Here's me on my chocobo! I finally got it! And it's awesome and I love it! Or maybe it was the rental one...idk.
 Here's a person with a unicorn mount and its both weird and awesome at the same time haha
 An awesome pic of me healing people.
 Here's a party I was in, I like taking pics of them!
 I got a carbuncle! It's adorable!
 Here's a rare sight! A sleeping chocobo!
 Ok, here I am and I KNOW it's my chocobo! I named it Pips after the horse in wot that Mat rides :D
 Two rare mounts in one pic! You get the one on the right at the endgame I've been told. The unicorn you get from doing the conjurer quests, which I'm doing atm :)

 Another party pic!
 Me and my bro ^^ I love it! We play together a bit every day.
 This was a funny pic, like 8 carbuncles in the same spot haha.
 I saw this cool statue in the distance. Once again, programmers man!
 That monster in the distance looks like a feral furby. Just saying.
 Another party!
 My chocobo in his new duds!
 My new Coeurl mount! So cute! It lopes as it runs! :D
Another picture! Someone told me how to take all the user interface stuff off so now I'll have better pics! :D

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