Friday, August 23, 2013


Final Fantasy XIV comes out tomorrow (for pre-order) I'm super excited and I'll play til my little heart drops! I highly recommend it. Here are some screen shots.
 This is Qwerty Sobriquet. She's going to be my main character :D And I'm super excited cause 1) She's really tall and 2) She's a race that I think will be less played so I'll be unique!

The name comes from Charles Dickens. The ol' english word sobriquet means 'nickname' or 'alias' and I like it for it's irony. Qwerty is just creative. Simple, obvious, and so much so that no one else thinks to use it as a character name. Priceless!
 Look at the height difference! It is HILARIOUS when the short characters have to look up whilst talking to me.
The NA beta went down for a day so I played on a Japanese server and found this group...sitting. This is my other character that I'll be using :) He's a male miqu'ote just like everyone else plays but they are just so cute I couldn't resist!

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