Friday, August 23, 2013

Bahrain beginnings

I am in a literal real life Kingdom and that is weird to me. Weird to me that kings still exist. That they might still rule a country. I mean, that's what the Arab Spring is all about, getting psudo-democracies but still.

The best thing is that as soon as I stepped off the plane, it smelled like Redondo Beach, but 20 degrees hotter...ok more like 50 but lets be optimistic here.

What else, what else...I have already shocked a room of 10+ ppl by informing them that I do not drink alcohol, but they were cool about it. It's still amusing to note.

Food-wise I have already had schwarma (and will prob it eat everyday) and this little fruit below called a mangoteen. You just eat the white part and it is magical. I love it! It's like $5 for 6 of them tho!

In other exciting news, about 2 ish years ago I saw an article in the newspaper saying that as a promo these mailboxes (below) of R2D2 were being put up all over the states. I NEVER FOUND ONE AND BELIEVE YOU ME I LOOKED. BUT THERE'S ONE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Believe you me it will be getting all of my letters back to the states haha


  1. Awesome!! What's your new mailing address? PM me! Thanks! We miss you!

  2. I very much love your love of schwarma!

  3. i will eat some schwarma here, at a good local restaurant, in your honor !
