Saturday, August 10, 2013


It's been a hot minute so I thought I'd update. I leave for Bahrain soon and that's exciting. Need to pull together some odds and ends then I'm off. 

I started Terry Prachet's 'Going Postal' and it's grand. How do you describe the Pratchett man? Well I had to do it aplenty this week. It's like reading a fantasy book making fun of fantasy books and real life poignantly and decidedly accurate. It's marvelous. I have read his 'Small Gods' and that one has a dear place in my heart. I loved it. If you want to jump into his Discworld, I suggest you start there.

Yesterday I got third place out of 7 (whoot top loser!) in an 'Olympics' specifically geared for marines. It was 4 marine and 3 sailor females that participated against each other and I have to say I did ok. I did great on the first 3 events and wretched at the last 4. I just can't climb a rope, run, or carry weights for long distances. However that didn't stop me from trying and now my boss' expect more of me at the next exercise get together to say the least. This is not good haha.

Also saw the movie '42' today. Top notch movie. I also introduced a few people to 'The Goonies' and am glad for it.

Oh. And I pick up my new glasses Monday :)

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