Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Lizard Crossing

I have TWO Star Trek milestones to announce! 1) I finally found the episode with this infamous lizard! Excellent episode! 2) I FINALLY MET KHAN AND I WAS NOT SO IMPRESSED...guess I just have to watch Star Trek 2. That or not love Benedict Cummerbatch so much, one of the two.

Now for Animal Crossing updates.

 Here I am wearing a new item I got, Majora's Mask! Can you guess how I feel about it?

I've also been meeting a lot of new peeps lately via the island wi-fi and, lemme tell you, it's fun! I don't get pics of everyone but here are a few.

 Random person

New Friend Joey? Jordan? Big J? idk...I visited his town and it was great fun :D

And a brief encounter with a power ranger. Blue one if you're curious

Then I got this pic from a dream town I went to! So cute! I try to go to one a day.

 Below you can see a haircut I got! I've gotten so many Shampoodle has begun to offer me boy's haircuts. I went La Rou for the day and did a red-non-mowhawk-punk style. I have never been brave enough to do this irl and never will be...but I've always wanted to haha.

 Another town project down and out! Above you can see I'm sitting on a new one too. It was such a cute encounter with one of my townspeople!!! :D Kawaii!

Lastly, I work at the coffee shop every once in awhile and it fills me with such a moral dilemma!!! I don't drink coffee (being an avid follower of my religion) and yet I only play this mini-game to get coffee items (the gyroids in particular( and I have to serve people coffee to get them! My character also drinks coffee! Oh the dilemma!!!

It is a small comfort I'll stop once I get the gyroids but man :( I'll just pretend my character is serving hot cocoa I suppose haha. Maybe I should rename the cafe "A River in Egypt!"

Oliver Twist

Finished a classic today. I try to be cultured and read some oldies but goodies. And there's a reason this book stands the test of time. Dicken's prose is unparallel. And the simple story of an orphan boy does not disappoint. 

Dickens always balances the bad that happens in his books with the good. I know I can always trust him with that and my heart. I think that's what makes classics. Realistic bad things happen to the protagonist and then good things happen in the end to give us hope and change us to be better people (realistically too of course).

But one thing that's been bothering me lately are twists and reveals. Big reveals in movies and books are starting to annoy me and I find that odd. I love them, but maybe I've just had an overdose of late? I mean Dickens is jam-packed with 'em and I'm also reading 'Wizard's First Rule' and there's almost a reveal with every chapter! (Goodkind likes to keep his knowledge to himself til just when he needs to reveal it. I'm sure he uses foreshadowing too but I haven't finished the book/series yet so I couldn't tell ya).

But what about LOTR? I don't remember big reveals too often and it's a classic right? I need to go back and read it I guess. I'm sure Tolkien is not immune to the literary hat trick. But I mean I still need to reread 'The Hobbit' so I'll have to put this on the backburner.

Can a good series be written without reveals? I think so. I shall find one that I might mentally clense the pallet per say. I hate it when I misjudge a book simply because I'm in a off mood. I once thought I did that to the Ender's game series but nope...just don't like how Orson Scott Card writes and ya know, I just think we all have a certain author we just don't like.

I wear sunglasses indoors

Once upon a time, I was rummaging through my mother's purse. I found some sunglasses with mary jane logo's on the side and, finding this most amusing, decided I would take these back with me to my conservative college to get some reactions most amusing.

However, I put a status update about them and low and behold my dad comes to me with these sunglasses.
Green and Oakleys, I was smitten. But I rarely wear them! However today I got to wear them to work all day cause I had an eye exam where they dilated my pupils. It was most uncomfortable. But great because now I know none of my bosses will be bothered by me wearing these sunglasses to work! The doctor told me I would have trouble reading for about 4 hrs...I didn't. Or at least I told myself I didn't. I just like reading okay?
ASIDE: I want glasses like these bahaha

I hope you enjoyed my mundane post about glasses. I know I did.It was...visionary...

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Going to one of the safest places on Earth, the Devil's Den!

Yep! Went diving at the Devil's Den. Great stuff lemme tell you! A picture of the entrance to the office is above!

 Here' the entrance above and then the platform from which we walked into the water from (tanks are heavy!)

 And here's another view from below and from above! Great fun!!! :D One more dive and I'm qualified!!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Animal Crossing Update

 Who doesn't want to know more about Animal Crossing adventures amiright?!

So Here's me winning the bug contest last week. I won with a butteryfly I really are better off reading the guide on, cause that's what I did haha.

Here's the ringleader of the bug contest, adorable little chameleon guy <3 and I got a HHA shirt for my high score on the grade of my house! I'm almost to 50,000 so that's good news :) I didn't add any new furniture today tho so it won't be above 50k tomorrow haha.

Here's Mr. K.K. Slider himself. I've only got two songs from him so far, one being disco @_@ How did he know I only tolerate disco? Does he think I need to  learn to love it?!?!

I got a new suspension bridge in my town (finally) making 3 bridges (the max) and I look constipated cause I'm about to pop me a popper. Oh yeah.

I got a scarecrow yesterday! I am going to surround him in poppies and then surround him in bushes so no one can steal the poppies and I shall adore him. The Scarecrow is, no doubt, the best character in The Wizard of Oz.

I went to a dream address today and these were the clothes combination that they had lying around and man did it give me an idea. I'm going to leave the most ridiculous clothes in my dream world and therefore dream visitors must either wear them in my town or the pajamas that come with the event. Bwahahahahaha

Lastly today I got a lighthouse <3 Also the taylor's was finally selling the bunny hood and I got it. Then I was wearing random clothes and, surprise, the genie shirt and the wrestler pants match! Haha that was a most amusing discovery.

My goals for the next couple of days is completely expanding my house and visit someone elses town. We'll see how the latter goes :) Also here's how you get a ton of Bells :D

Another Day, more thoughts than actions.

Oliver Twist is one of the most depressing books I've ever read.
And Wormtail is in one of the renditions! Up to his ol' snively shenanigans again! But I mean, Dickens is a master, everyone acknowledges, and his writing compels me to read on! Not that I put down every depressing book I read but from what I've read from Dickens before, he usually has the good weigh out the bad evenly in his stories. I guess I'll just have to wait til the end.

Other book updates, are you a fan of Sanderson? (that's got a nice ring haha) Anyways he has some updates and I was geeking out about them today. If you haven't YOU SHOULD READ EVERYTHING HE WRITES.

Not much else. Something of note this week is the amount everyone keeps finding out I'm Mormon. It's bad of me I know but I try to let people get to know me first before they find out that a big part of me is Mormon. That's right, I trick them into friendship with me haha.

Anyways, the usual response is "Isn't that the religion where the guys can have multiple wives?" and I reply stately as always "No, we don't practice that anymore." But I actually had a very personal spiritual experience in this regard awhile back. To cut a long experience short, when I was younger, a Brother D. Martino offhandedly and condescendingly said  (not a good combination when talking to a young me)(and I paraphrase), "You know, if God allowed us and others of His religion to practice polygamy, don't you think he does too? I mean, He wouldn't let us do anything He doesn't do Himself, right?"
I did not respond and made an excuse to leave, if you were wondering at my response.
Note: There is no scripture or talk supporting this but is mere conjecture. At least not that I've found and trust me, I've looked and still am.
But I would encourage my fellow man to ponder and pray on this. Polygamy is a touchy subject. I mean, we don't even know that much about Heavenly Mother and only know she exists because of Eliza R. Snow really.
But I have prayed about this and have received an answer (and more questions) to that idea of God practicing polygamy and the practice of it ourselves. And I would encourage you to seek one also.

Besides, if we still practiced polygamy I'd make a good first, second, even third wife and then I could go work and have a career and the other wife(s) could raise all the kids. Cause that's fair :) Bahahahahaha

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Nothing is as Nothing does

Today I was working the Bridge of Sighs again. Not much else to report activity-wise. I realized last night at a church activity I take Murder in the Dark WAAAAAAAAYYYY too seriously. I'm risking giving away my hiding spaces in a Mormon chapel, but when we could only hide in the culteral hall or the hallways, well, lets just say I got very creative with some chalkboards, chairs, and hiding my white pasty skin so it wouldn't reflect in the dark. Did I mention one of my new id's makes me look like an albino. I DO NOT OVEREXAGGERATE. But the picture is best not shared, so if you see me in person just ask. Everyone loves albino's.
I love googling things.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Le weekend

I swam with the fishies

Why yes I did! Ichetucknee springs is where I went and it was gorgeous. I saw these fishes and swam with schools anywhere from 5-70 in the river cause I brought my mask and snorkle from diving class. I also saw a 20lb catfish and some little green fishies. Then I'd pop up out of no where and scare the living daylights out of other tubers hehehe. 

Man, I have made fun of Florida most of my life, and still do, but it never ceases to show me just how beautiful it is.

For Example
 Got to swim in these springs here as well as tubing down the river. Amazing! Of course I was risk averse and didn't bring my own camera. Lucky you Google is obliging with some pictures.

Then today was church. I was moved by the music and we talked about Pioneers and John Taylor. But the scripture came to mind from Mosiah chapter 12 where Noah's posse doesn't see themselves as hypocrites cause they live a distorted Moses' Law and Abinadi is like; no, no, you are wrong. Anyways it just reminded me why we go to church on Sundays, every week, for three hours. Because sometimes we are like those 'priests'. We can't see how backwards we are or how we have done something wrong and by going to church it corrects us, if we listen. I mean honestly, the least we can do for God is devote a measly 3 hours in 1 week to studying more of his Gospel right? I've missed going to church, it's been 5 weeks since I've been to a Sacrament meeting and I've felt it.

I also naturally have some poor quality pictures of doodles I doodled.
 This is a Final Fantasy 14 character (A Miqo'te) I made for the beta and will make again when it comes out (2 weeks!!!) and I'm super excited for it. Though I am probably going to make my main character one of these cause no one makes female ones of them and I feel bad for them and must therefore make one :) I didn't play the original ffxiv cause I heard it was wanting, but I can attest that this one makes up for it in leaps and bounds. It has it shortcomings, i.e. I want it to play like SWTOR but it doesn't, but I love it. Its class system is utterly unique and wonderful and the world and characters are gorgeous. I HIGHLY recommend it!!!
 This here is a character from a book I'm writing. I have a lot of time to think while I'm standing there  on watch so I come up with stories and this is the one I'm currently working on. It's still in the works tho sooooo....I'm not going to really say anything else on it.

 Besides that church was pretty regular. The sunday school teacher looked like Jim from the office and I had trouble not thinking about the office and making Jim faces haha. But all in all it was good. The RS teacher actually gave the best lesson, one she had prepared only 5 minutes before and, I find, those are always the best ones.

 Then something great happened! Bro Draper gave me the Pimsleur method to borrow to go over my Arabic! I hope it helps hone what skills I already have, tho they be little, and I'm looking forward to it :)

Lastly some Animal Crossing.

 This building is ridiculous and therefore I had to have it in my town. Enough said.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Truman: The early bird gathers no moss! The rolling stone catches the worm!

Today I outran the rain.
It was the weirdest sensation. I was getting back from workout time and it started drizzling. When is started raining I began running. I ran til it drizzled again. This proceeded to occur three more times until I got back home and it was most amusing since it began to POUR five minutes later haha.

At my cafeteria (which I did walk in the rain to haha but it's only a block away if that) every single table you eat at is a sports table. Today I finally found my team! :D

Today was a video game day otherwise. Glorious lazy day. Too bad slothfulness is a sin.
However I was looking up outfits for my little animal crossing character and realize, I really need to learn japanese sometimes. QUERY: If the website is in Japanese...why is the url I use in English?
THOUGHT: Maybe I just need to learn enough Japanese to read "English version of this website link"

Look at a room in my house in Animal Crossing! BUT! More importantly! Look at the dress I'm wearing!

Looking at all of the cute outfits inspired me to make the following.

These are QR codes so I can share them with other peoples who want to wear it too :)
And did I take meticulous time making this whilst looking at multiple pictures of Luke and Yoda? Why yes I did.

Lastly I watch stuff whilst playing some games. Games at times (like mini games in Animal Crossing) just aren't that challenging, so I multitask. As mentioned aforehand, my muse atm is Star Trek and something amazing happened today. I have seen this dog...
...on various things related to Star Trek and I had ALWAYS wondered why in the world it was on an episode and, needless to say, when I found it in one of today's episodes (Season 1 episode 5), it made me laugh. Also, look at William Shatner and George Takei's face. Priceless.

Also this is my new phone lock screen. It makes me happy.

Lastly, remember 'The Truman Show'? Well I just watched it last week on Netflix and, let me tell you, when someone said "good afternoon, good evening, and good night" to me today, I was delighted :) And so I say it to you.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Animal Crossing

 Most people don't share my passion for this game amidst my immediate acquaintances. Albeit, gameboys are considered kid stuff and my friends are adults, it's to be expected. At least in the gaming community it's obviously more common. Man, maybe I need more gamer friends haha.

But I'mma take the opportunity to make posts about video games I play and this is the one I currently vies for #1 played with me (SWTOR being first haha).
Here's a cool thing I recently got in my town. It's a cardboard cutout for your character and you can make it whatever you want. I found a cool design online for a Cheshire Cat picture which I shall put up one day (my char name is Cheshire) but for now I love dinosaurs more haha.
 I also got a coffee shop in my town. Had to google how to get it, is my main source of info and is good at it :) But having this in my town creates a large moral dilemma for me ahha. Mormon's don't drink coffee! And I can only unlock things if my little character drinks coffee! AHHH!!! I am at least comforted by the fact that the Animal Crossing world does not really introduce Mormons to the game. I really hope that now I've said that two little animal characters in missionary outfits come to my door ahha. (I suppose I could just make a missionary designed shirt lol)
 Saved Gulliver today whoot! The country I had to guess was Canada haha, I mean, what souvenir will he send me from there? Maple syrup? A moose? I'm excited to find out haha.

 Oh yeah, my town has a fire hydrant. Watch out fires!

Me and the townsfolk played Hide and Seek today. SO ADORABLE. They hid behind each of their houses so it was super easy haha.

 Full moon after the HUGE storm today. Loup Garou!!!

 Lastly I got a piece of furniture from Pascal. He is by far my favorite character <3

I do have some concerns right now. Why has Gracie never visited my town? I'm never going to get the next Nook's store without her :< Well, only time will tell I suppose.

Tomorrow I get an extra room on my house. It will either be a room full of classic Animal Crossing fruit furniture or a library, haven't decided yet haha.