Friday, September 20, 2013

"No, there is too much, let me sum up."

Welp I've being gallivanting about the country side. Here are some observations and things I've done.

I have been really frustrated that Square Enix won't let me give them money. They just need to let me give them money.

Of course when I go to write my blog I forget everything.

Had a driver drive head on against me for the first time. Yay Bahrain!

I won't be able to drive back at the states. People turn into the left lane from the second lane, glide in to cut you off, drive over the lines, and have no concept of a zipper.

I've been to Hard Rock Cafe, TCBY, Lulu Mart (like WalMart), and two filipino bands out in town.

Getting one thing from Amazon each week is pure joy.

Everyone here wears California shirts and I go all hipster mode on them. "Well I'm FROM Cali, punk!"

"Watch out! The yellow ones don't stop!" - ELF. This is true as well, but they are red and white here.

Annnnnndddddd I love my new Final Fantasy game :D

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