Saturday, September 28, 2013

Final Fantasy Llama's

 Here's some more pictures of Final Fantasy :D In this one I logged on and this was my view and I just thought it was adorable. Taru taru's!!!
 K, while questing, I was running around, trying to solve this mystery for 10 levels, and this is the lady. This is she, that if she had simply been honest about a murder instead of falling prey to the threat of violence, would have saved me hours of mindless questing. So YOU miss...YOU can barely have an NPC name! Jerk! Haha.
 Pretty castle in the distance! Creepy!
 Me looking coy under me wizard hat. I liked this hat...too bad its to be replaced by higher lvl stuff haha.
 Another gorgeous landscape! I farm here for fleece.
 Just a unicorn balancing on a beam. The things you do while waiting for a party to quest with.
 Here we have the council of the Unicorn riders. Oh Unicorns! Unicorns! :D
 Difference between my unicorn and the taru's unicorn. ADORABLE!
 Me finishing my last level 50 quest to become an official white mage! :D And a random quester who was afk and wouldn't move haha. The other white mage is the quest giver. Hence her awesome and non-generic clothes.
 Pretty Sunset!
This is like, the back of a book I would read. And I love it.

(also I'm watching Monty Python, if you're wondering about the title)

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