Thursday, September 12, 2013

Final Fantasy Swimming

So I have some pics from ffxiv (which is getting rave reviews in this link) and I also found this video that just had to be preserved for progeny's sake.

 Here I am fishing some more. Hey blue moon!
 Here's some of the decorations for the event this week. Not much else to do for the event but buy bikini's haha which is a bit of a let down for me.
 Me and my bro again.
 Here we are questing together. Morbid part, take all these dead bodies and bury them. Don't worry, when you fit 4 BODIES in you're inventory they are represented as little flowers. Very polite SE.
 Here I am looking fabulous again.
 This...this game is just so gorgeous. I just love taking pictures of it.
 A tough fate/quest that nearly killed us all while we tried to kill this ogre.
 Another huge fate party. Just look at all the spells! It's ridiculous! This is the Svara fate, quite fun killin' some dragons.
 I got some new gear. It's the (almost complete) set of the Limsa Limosia grand company gear for lvl 40.
 Gorgeous landscapes again. So yellow! Albeit its supposed to be pollution from that goblin factory in the distance but gorgous none the a way.
 This cool cat here is my linkshell and free company leader. I logged in and she was standing right in front of me! Just getting resting exp! So I stole a pic.
 Here's the observatory place in Dragonshead and its fun cause you can jump off it and not die. I'll try to remember to get a pic of myself in the moment for that despite its morbidness ahah.
 A quest giver. He's got a nice little set up imho
 Me fighting a dragon. So fun!
 AGAIN! I ran into my guildleader just chillin there. Prob stalking me.
Here's a pretty spot I found while questing. I like it, wish it was sunny at the time the game was up, oh wells. I like it and might just frequent it ^.^

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