Saturday, September 28, 2013

Everybody's Working For the Weekend!

My father instilled in me a great love for trying exotic fruits. I still remember the first pomegranate I ate. I always loved mangos, and classic fruit as well. Fruit is just great and I'm sure everyone will agree.

So today I tried a new one!
 Behold! Star fruit! I've always heard about it but I wanted to try it! But I didn't have my dad to tell me how to eat it so I googled it. It tasted like a weird melon and I still have the aftertaste in my mouth. However, I think it wasn't quite ripe so I'll eat the second one I got a little later. I got this fruit from the arabic WalMart aka Lulu's and this is not the only fruit they have there that I have not tried! I do believe they have dragon fruits, durians, and many more I had no idea what they are for! haha. None-the-less, I think I'm going to have a fruit-I-have-never-had next Friday and it will be magical.
 While also there, I was most amused by the profuse amount of not only olive oil (shown above) but also about any other type of oil you could imagine. The above show the HUGE bottles there, but most of the others were an acceptable average size haha.
 Later me and my friends ORDERED MCDONALD'S FOR DELIVERY. DELIVERYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY and it was magical. And they have big n' tasty's! Unlike in the states! But it was more like a...Big n' nasty :/ they just use different sauces and it was so huge it fell apart haha. But the fries and apple pies were classic! Haha.

Other than that haven't been up to much. I have joined the ranks of a monotonous 8 to 5 job...and you know what? I like it :) I only wish I had more free time during the week  but hey, everybody's working for the weekend for a reason.

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