Saturday, September 28, 2013

Everybody's Working For the Weekend!

My father instilled in me a great love for trying exotic fruits. I still remember the first pomegranate I ate. I always loved mangos, and classic fruit as well. Fruit is just great and I'm sure everyone will agree.

So today I tried a new one!
 Behold! Star fruit! I've always heard about it but I wanted to try it! But I didn't have my dad to tell me how to eat it so I googled it. It tasted like a weird melon and I still have the aftertaste in my mouth. However, I think it wasn't quite ripe so I'll eat the second one I got a little later. I got this fruit from the arabic WalMart aka Lulu's and this is not the only fruit they have there that I have not tried! I do believe they have dragon fruits, durians, and many more I had no idea what they are for! haha. None-the-less, I think I'm going to have a fruit-I-have-never-had next Friday and it will be magical.
 While also there, I was most amused by the profuse amount of not only olive oil (shown above) but also about any other type of oil you could imagine. The above show the HUGE bottles there, but most of the others were an acceptable average size haha.
 Later me and my friends ORDERED MCDONALD'S FOR DELIVERY. DELIVERYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY and it was magical. And they have big n' tasty's! Unlike in the states! But it was more like a...Big n' nasty :/ they just use different sauces and it was so huge it fell apart haha. But the fries and apple pies were classic! Haha.

Other than that haven't been up to much. I have joined the ranks of a monotonous 8 to 5 job...and you know what? I like it :) I only wish I had more free time during the week  but hey, everybody's working for the weekend for a reason.

Final Fantasy Llama's

 Here's some more pictures of Final Fantasy :D In this one I logged on and this was my view and I just thought it was adorable. Taru taru's!!!
 K, while questing, I was running around, trying to solve this mystery for 10 levels, and this is the lady. This is she, that if she had simply been honest about a murder instead of falling prey to the threat of violence, would have saved me hours of mindless questing. So YOU miss...YOU can barely have an NPC name! Jerk! Haha.
 Pretty castle in the distance! Creepy!
 Me looking coy under me wizard hat. I liked this hat...too bad its to be replaced by higher lvl stuff haha.
 Another gorgeous landscape! I farm here for fleece.
 Just a unicorn balancing on a beam. The things you do while waiting for a party to quest with.
 Here we have the council of the Unicorn riders. Oh Unicorns! Unicorns! :D
 Difference between my unicorn and the taru's unicorn. ADORABLE!
 Me finishing my last level 50 quest to become an official white mage! :D And a random quester who was afk and wouldn't move haha. The other white mage is the quest giver. Hence her awesome and non-generic clothes.
 Pretty Sunset!
This is like, the back of a book I would read. And I love it.

(also I'm watching Monty Python, if you're wondering about the title)

Monday, September 23, 2013

“You is kind. You is smart. You is important.” ― Kathryn Stockett

This morning I was vexed. I attributed my roommate to not replacing a waterbottle in the fridge to replace the one she had taken so that the next one would be cold. One of my bowls had leftover sparkles from the cereal she was currently eating, and she had yet to contribute to the tissue and toilet paper fund! (tho to be fair she's been here a weekish).

These were the thoughts traversing my mind this morning.

But I missed it yesterday. (sudden shift in topic). Today we learn that someone at work had tried to commit suicide. Again I missed it. We all miss it. We only hope that we don't. And yet when we look back we put emphasis on the parts where we think we missed it. Where we think we could have stopped it.

I know I'm no expert on this topic and that I prefer not to preach on it. Because it's...not that it's taboo it's just that I never seem to say the right thing. Often the comforting words when suicide occurs to others we know in our life are "There's nothing you could have done." I've heard that for many taboo, intense happenings in life as a sort of comfort. But there will always be the feeling of, "What if I could?"

Many in the military feel it is selfishness, to try and kill yourself. To play devil's advocate, it holds a great amount of truth. It shuts down operations, it hurts the ones you love, it hurts the ones who are your friends, and it hurts the ones you didn't even know who looked up to you. But to be myself, I would not call it selfishness. I would label it as sadness untempered. There's a sort of backwards comfort I keep to myself when I go though harshish times (let's be honest, the worst I have to complain of in life is not being married and lets be doubly honest, that's mostly my fault) found in 1 Corinthians 10:13 "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." And I kind of apply this to my troubles. My troubled love life is pretty common and when I remember this I just kind of calm down in mutual misery with the world I guess haha. Then I go read a book or have fun playing video games.

But that's not good enough for some people and in my book, that's fine. Some don't want to turn to religion. People are different, get comfort differently, and well...what can you do about it but try whatever comes to your mind and maybe more. Or just ask them? I should take a class or something.

So I guess the best I can do is forget about the tissues and toilet papers of life. I guess Christ really is right, where if you feel someone has wronged you to forgive them 70 times 7...and buy candy bars for everyone...and repeat the above title phrase until it looses all meaning...I'm going to go eat ice cream now.

Friday, September 20, 2013

"No, there is too much, let me sum up."

Welp I've being gallivanting about the country side. Here are some observations and things I've done.

I have been really frustrated that Square Enix won't let me give them money. They just need to let me give them money.

Of course when I go to write my blog I forget everything.

Had a driver drive head on against me for the first time. Yay Bahrain!

I won't be able to drive back at the states. People turn into the left lane from the second lane, glide in to cut you off, drive over the lines, and have no concept of a zipper.

I've been to Hard Rock Cafe, TCBY, Lulu Mart (like WalMart), and two filipino bands out in town.

Getting one thing from Amazon each week is pure joy.

Everyone here wears California shirts and I go all hipster mode on them. "Well I'm FROM Cali, punk!"

"Watch out! The yellow ones don't stop!" - ELF. This is true as well, but they are red and white here.

Annnnnndddddd I love my new Final Fantasy game :D

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Final Fantasy Swimming

So I have some pics from ffxiv (which is getting rave reviews in this link) and I also found this video that just had to be preserved for progeny's sake.

 Here I am fishing some more. Hey blue moon!
 Here's some of the decorations for the event this week. Not much else to do for the event but buy bikini's haha which is a bit of a let down for me.
 Me and my bro again.
 Here we are questing together. Morbid part, take all these dead bodies and bury them. Don't worry, when you fit 4 BODIES in you're inventory they are represented as little flowers. Very polite SE.
 Here I am looking fabulous again.
 This...this game is just so gorgeous. I just love taking pictures of it.
 A tough fate/quest that nearly killed us all while we tried to kill this ogre.
 Another huge fate party. Just look at all the spells! It's ridiculous! This is the Svara fate, quite fun killin' some dragons.
 I got some new gear. It's the (almost complete) set of the Limsa Limosia grand company gear for lvl 40.
 Gorgeous landscapes again. So yellow! Albeit its supposed to be pollution from that goblin factory in the distance but gorgous none the a way.
 This cool cat here is my linkshell and free company leader. I logged in and she was standing right in front of me! Just getting resting exp! So I stole a pic.
 Here's the observatory place in Dragonshead and its fun cause you can jump off it and not die. I'll try to remember to get a pic of myself in the moment for that despite its morbidness ahah.
 A quest giver. He's got a nice little set up imho
 Me fighting a dragon. So fun!
 AGAIN! I ran into my guildleader just chillin there. Prob stalking me.
Here's a pretty spot I found while questing. I like it, wish it was sunny at the time the game was up, oh wells. I like it and might just frequent it ^.^

Monday, September 9, 2013

For Nancy

 It came to my attention that the fond tradition of mine of drawing comics had fallen into forgotten realms. And while this is no promise for more, I thought I'd give a reason why. Especially since I had time to draw since I was going through an especially tedious indoc. Unfortunately I am once again without a printer so I am improvising. Here are some comics haha.

The above one is accurate. There are many people whom I'd love to immortalize as obvious characters of questionable beliefs and practices (many of which are wonderfully sexist) but I have always tried to keep my work lighthearted and corny. (I have even added another comic below to prove that I can still find such things in my life along with the bad) (also don't judge the whole for the one. These people exist but I have found more good hearts in the military than not). I sometime wonder how ashamed Joseph Smith must be of me for not standing up and verbally smiting them with my righteous indignation. But I try my best to live through example, which, I have found is actually the most poignant long-term affecting agent in peoples lives. I offer no excuses otherwise, for they will sound hollow.
This is what I imagine everytime I try to speak to someone here in Arabic. I have had successful conversations once or twice. I am thinking that the next time I eat out I will tip the waiter $15 to speak entirely in Arabic to me. Yes, yes I shall.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Sweet words, rare words, cherished words.

On le facebook recently it was thus poised that instead of going to a club to pick up chicks by buying them drinks that instead one aught to go to a bookstore instead and pick up chicks by buying them a book. Google was not forthcoming with this thread/webpage but the idea and thought lives on!

I mention this story because today I went to the base library for the first time today (yay another library card :D) and I rented a book (Atlas Shrugged) and 2 movies I haven't seen (X-Men 3 and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon) and Harry Potter 4 audiotape in hopes that I can listen to it and play video games at the same time. As I was checking out, I noticed a basket of disarrayed books. I asked the librarian what they were AND SHE SAID THEY WERE FREE.  Sweet words, rare words, cherished words to grace my ears. Usually these books have 1 gem in them and I end up getting a ton of random books BUT IT WAS DIFFERENT TODAY! God smiled upon me and I got SEVEN books out of the 12 book series The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind. I was absolutely giddy. I got 14 books total and I do feel a little guilty taking all the happiness for myself but I left 90% of the basket so really, reader, you should be proud of me ;)

In other good news I also found that all letters I send from base back to the states are free! I just write "free mail". This magical phrase! It reminds me of my Grandpa Lee who always wrote "First Class Mail" (underlined) on all my letters he wrote me through high school and college and, to be honest, I always doubted he paid the extra fee for it. Isn't there an extra fee for first class? None the less, it made me feel special because I was worthy of first class mail.

And I get to use the R2D2 MAILBOX!!!! AHHHHH!!!!

In more disgusting news, I got a smallpox shot and what it basically does is give you small pox but only in one tiny area. I don't know how it works, but if you ever wondered what smallpox looked like  (or my carpet) here's a pic of my arm.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Final Fantasy Fun

 Well I thought I'd put up some more pictures. Here I am fishing. It's a complete dead end skill in the game but its fun to do while you're waiting for a party to form! Good times.
 Here I am on my unicorn. Every time I ride this little pony I recall this online meme: "B**** I'm fabulous!" and its ridiculous but it amuses me greatly.
 My party for a dungeon called Haukke Manor. Creepy to the max but I loved it. Final Fantasy creepy is cool.
 Met a full fledged Dragoon today. That's my bro's fav class.
 So I was sitting here and I noticed when my characters head bobbed down she looked kinda creepy. And...
 ...these were the people I was staring at. I felt awkward after that. But I was studying irl and taking a break from the game!
Last but not least. I'M FABULOUS!