Sunday, October 20, 2013


Here are some more comics that came to mind as I was working about, enjoy!
 Reminds me of the good ol' cart days of catering and my eternal love of all things golf and go carts.
 For the record, I have only ever met one or two people in the military who shave their heads and wear glasses that look like Joe despite their common occurrence. However my boss at work looks so much like him I had to do a double take the first time I was introduced to him hahaha.

This is one of my comics that literally happened haha  good times. For those wondering, that's a tool box and a hydraulic fluid pump thingy. Very technical here.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Final Fantasy Finally!

 Hey it's been a bit but here's some more pics! Here's me with the like President of Ul'dah for the lastish dungeon of the game :D
 Bigger surprise! I changed my character with the 30 day subscriber item! While the cat people are a penny a pick and everywhere you look there they are, I sadly changed from the unique and roguish roegadyn in favor of this little cutie. It stems from wanting to be a Cat since ffxi. So that's my excuse.
 Got a new mount too!
 Was in a party with this guy, so cool!
 Me crafting. Takes forever!
 Last boss battle with the party I was with. They were a great party and I had fun.
 Some end game cool stuff
 Some more!
 Another other cool white mage
 A cool bit of scenery I found in the game. That's a monster that is becoming a plant? I guess it WAS a plant to begin with but hey, whatevs.
 Goat photobomb for my stars picture.
 Pink clouds. Man this games graphics never cease to amaze me.
 Now I'm shorter than my in game friend ;_;
This is one of the most vexing bosses in the final fantasy franchise. I love wall boss because of the challenge but man do I hate that I die so much at his hands haha~!